Franklin Morrow

So what makes Franklin Morrow socks special?

It’s a combination of things. The first thing that I tell people is that it’s the care that go into our socks. I spent hundreds of hours hand picking materials to make sure you got the perfect material in each sock. I combed through samples of various types of cotton, combed cotton, bamboo, wool, nylon, elastic, and a whole host of other materials. This meant reading articles and books on these materials, what purposes they serve in the clothing, and how they interact with one another. It wasn’t the most exciting thing I’ve ever done, but it was necessary. We are always trying to get better as a team, please share your feedback with us whenever you have it!

We also wanted to make sure we put other design elements into the socks to help us stand out. In every pair of Franklin Morrow socks we reinforce the toe and heel of the sock. For most people this isn’t a design element you’ve likely heard of or even care about, but for us it was important to increase the quality of the sock. The additional reinforcement that this provide ensures your toe isn’t going to pop out through the end of your sock or for you hard walkers, your heel won’t wear through into your shoe.

What makes our socks special doesn’t stop in the materials we use, design elements, or how we make our socks. As I mentioned in a previous post, it was a no brainer to have an element to Franklin Morrow that gave back to the community. After some research we found that socks were the number one need for homeless shelters. After reading about this need we knew this was the way we could make an impact for our community. It’s simple, you buy an amazing pair of socks and we donate a pair of socks to an individual in need.

In addition to donating a pair of socks to an individual in need we also partner with local charities to create custom socks to help them hit their fundraising goals. Our most recent partnership was with Autism Speaks, a national organization that is focused on advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of people with autism. For any individual purchasing our Kindness Counts socks, 100% of the proceeds from that sale goes to Autism Speaks. We will continue to partner with at least two charities a year to give back to causes that our community cares about. 

Another aspect of our socks that make us unique is our designs. When I started Franklin Morrow I wanted to provide individuals a fun sock that was also simple in design, but also came with an affordable price tag. I also wanted to pay homage to the things in my life that helped shape who I am. You will see a lot of Ohio themed socks on our website. This is because I was born and raised here and am now raising my family here (I’ll save everyone my normal speech about how Ohio is great and why everyone should move here). 

Franklin Morrow

The 96


Franklin Morrow

Boat and Anchor


Franklin Morrow



Franklin Morrow

Down on the farm


Franklin Morrow

The Dot


Franklin Morrow

Moo Socks


Franklin Morrow



Franklin Morrow

Pat’s Village


Franklin Morrow



Franklin Morrow

The Statehouse



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